Asking for guidance on my first hi-fi system...

Hello, this is my first post here and I am hoping to gain a little confidence in making a purchase of an integrated amp for a nice two channel music only system. I recently built my own speakers, (the Jim Holtz Mini Statements) and auditioned them at my friends house on two different high end audio systems.... Rogue, Electrocompaniet, Van Alstine are a few names I remember of his gear. He helped me confirm that my speakers sound very nice and are a good starting point to build upon. My budget is 500.00 or less for an amp. Currently I use an Onkyo HT-R520 home theatre receiver, set on "Direct" listening mode. Obviously, my speakers don't sound as good with the Onkyo. I believe the bass is over emphasized and the mids and highs are a little lacking in detail.
Here are my objectives:
1. Stay within budget
2. Find something that will sound better and resolve the weaknesses of the Onkyo

Currently I am interested in a 300 to 400 dollar Carver CM 1090 integrated amp. Would this be a wise choice given it's age? or should I be looking at a new NAD, or ?????

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
Reasonable differences of opinion aren't hurting our hobby but the use of pejoratives like "snake oil" to describe other people's preferences certainly does more harm than good. The term implies that the manufacturers are dishonest and that happy consumers who post here are fools. Condescension and derision in a friendly forum are not attractive practices.

I think Jeff (the OP) has the perfect outlook about all of this. He has an open mind and I'm confident that his open eyes and open ears will guide him just fine.
I'm glad you are enjoying your new int. amp! I'm a DIY type as well. I enjoy modifying "resoanably" priced equipment and bringing them to higher sonic levels. The first thing I would do is replace the stock jumper straps that connect the pre-amp to main end. Those things are terrible. Short interconnect or jumper cables will make a world of difference. If you're handy w/a soldering iron you could set up a short set no problem as well as make a power cord. Buy the raw materials and use good solder. (Last time I tried Johnson solder.) As far as interconnects if you want to buy a set already made, I highly recommend an older set of Tara Labs Prism 33, buy them. Solid core w/very pure copper. (The Prism 22 is good as well but a little warmer w/slightly less detail.) Older Wireworld Oasis/Equinox IC's are very good as well. As far as speaker wire, I like "QED." Very reasonably priced High quality copper. Enjoy the music! Bill