Atma-Sphere amps with Eggleston Andra II's

I own a pair of Atma-Sphere MA2 Mk2.3 OTL monoblocks that are probably the one part of my system that will staying put for a long, long time. Currently, speakers are Dynaudio Confidence C2's. Preamp is an Atma-Sphere MP1 MkIII.

I'm looking to change/upgrade my speakers. As good as the C2's are, i.e., extremely coherent, very natural and detailed, nonfatiguing, they certainly don't have much "slam" factor. Now, I mostly listen to classical, jazz, and female vocals at moderate levels, but once in awhile still throw on some Cream, ZZ Top, Seger, ELP or whatever that demands some volume and presence in the low frequencies. I have been reading that the Andra II's can provide most, if not all, of the C2's traits but also add the missing lower octave and slam.

My question to Andra II owners is this: will 220 watts of OTL power drive the Andra II's properly? The MA2's can handle 4 ohm loads without difficulty as long as there are no crazy phase shifts. I am mainly concerned about running my amps dry.



Showing 2 responses by luke72

The OTL's, as correctly stated, are intended to use with high impedance, especially electrostatics (like Soundlab), speakers. The Dynaudio drivers need current and amps with a good damping factor in order to get the best results. Actually it is strange that your match with the C2's is still good...
Anyway, if you want to keep the AS, why not bringing your amps to the nearest Eggleston dealer and listen for yourself ?
Just a thought by an Eggleston lover.
Lot of responses but... hey Bill ! Are you still here ? What did you decide to do ? Let us know, I believe we are all curious...