Audio Alchemy DDS pro, Theta Digital Pearl or EAD

Hi dear fellows.
I´m looking for a very good cd/ transport that does not exceeds 1000 dollars budget.What do you think about these three cd transports??
Audio Alchemy DDS Pro
Theta Digital Pearl
EAD T 1000

All of them uses pioneer stable platter.Which one of these three cd transports do you think performs better?( by saing better I intend to have a more natural , warmthness and lively sound, a sense of presence, best dynamics, soundstage and details as well.
Any experiences will be highly appreciated!!
Cheers Raf
I had the EAD T-1000 transport many moons ago.I never had a problem with it.The build and sound quality were great,I loved it. I paired it with their DSP 7000 Series 3 dac...a very analog sounding combo. With that said,I would be concerned about replacement parts if needed.

Look into a used PS Audio Power Wave Transport,it reads and stores data on memory,which to me,at least,would be the way to go.It may lack some options you need but it is a giant killer in the transport universe and PSA has great support.

Good hunting...
I owned the Audio Alchemy DDS Pro at one time (a new one). It worked fine during the time I owned it, no problems at all.
If I remember correctly I used the I2S connections to other Audio Alchemy components.
FWIW, many years ago, I had a high-end Pioneer PD-95 transport with the stable platter drive. It was built like a tank – with an internal faraday cage. It was beautiful to look at. But, the sound was very dry and analytical. I sold it for a cheaper, better sounding, custom-modified transport with better processing and clock. No stable-platter. It just died a couple of weeks ago. So, I’ve been looking for a replacement.

I was researching the Audio Alchemy DDS Pro, also. I ran across this thread. It seems that the board might have a power/capacitor issue. Fortunately, the laser assembly, PEA1179 is still available from Pioneer. Unexpectedly, on a local Craigslist, I found an AA package including the DDS III, DTI and DST. Took a chance and bought the package. The three units are linked together ahead of my old DAC. My music sounds better than ever. LOL. I read somewhere that the AA DDS III has a Sony CD drive. So, if you find an Audio Alchemy transport, you might want to check out the DTI as a clock. I did hook up the DDS III directly to my DAC and it does sound pretty good. The DTI bumps it up a little more.
Many thanks for your valuable suggestions!What do you think about a California Audio Labs Delta cd transport??Is it at the same sounding level of an EAD T 1000 or an AA DDS pro?Or is it more basic and does not outperforms in the same level?...Thanks for your suggestions!Cheers!Raf