Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
i received my 2.1 yesterday and a fine looker it is, silver and wood. my audition 2.1 came with rpnb and siemens tubes. joseph also sent a transparency power cord, and ic. the remote must have upgrades in the future as a phase button along with input selection is on my remote. the phase option with be a fine addition.
i am using my wire for now, but plan on trying the supplied wire from cp.
i am letting the unit play all day for break in and will give it a good listening to in a few days.
i take it that cca tubes will bring better sound for 2.1 from reading all of the posts on this thread.
The tubes are a matter of personal taste in what sounds best in your system. I personally prefer the accuracy, neutrality and great upper extension of the Siemens CCa in my system, but you might prefer another brand for its personality in your system. It's a good idea to let the preamp burn-in for a few days before you seriously evaluate it in your system. Also, if you are introducing a new power cord, allow at least 150 hours for it to break in as well. I look forward to hearing your listening impressions.
Sherod thanks for your reply, your description of what cca does in your system is a must for me. compared to my nuforce p-9 for now the 2.1 is a little short in upper extension but better on the bottom. i am not drawing any conclusions yet just early observations.
do you know what if any upgrades are planed for the extras on the remote.
On initial listening when I first got my TP 2.0n, the highs were rolled off, the mids restricted, and the bass a little loose and light sounding. You'll gradually hear better and better improvements over the next few days. I have had mine for about a year and a half now, so I can't recall when everything clicked in on the sound, but after 72 hours, you should be about 85-90% there, and that is leaving the unit on 24/7. When you do eventually turn it off to conserve on tube life and electricity, the unit will sound nice upon initial turn-on, but will sound its best after roughly 45 minutes once the circuits settle in. YMMV.
I just wanted to give my fellow TP 2.0/2.1 owners an update on these new power cords in my system. They have just passed the 250 hour mark in my system, so I feel that they have gone through all their strange ups and downs, shifts, etc. in achieving their final break in. In three words, "Oh my God!" These are the most amazing power cords I have ever experienced. They are the new Fusion Audio cords. I have the bottom line Predator models on my VAC monoblocs and the Impulse model on my preamp. If you do a search of some of my cable posts you'll see that I have been a cable junky for quite a few years, going back to 1977 when I swapped out my Monster Cable 12 guage speaker cables for the new MIT MH 750 Music Hose speaker cables. When I heard the difference in my meager system consisting then of Vandersteen 2B speakers, Musical Concepts modified Hafler DH200 amp, and modified Stew Hegeman preamp, I was floored by the difference that this cable swap made. This was at a time when some reviewers were saying that cables didn't make a difference. If you have a pair of good ears, the answer to those naysayers back then was "Hogwash!" In the past 25-30 years I have experienced a wide variety of cables( interconnects, speaker cables, and within the last 5 years--power cords. In power cords, I have had some of the best in my system from reputable manufacturers, DIY home-made, not-so-reputable, and some in-betweeners. A partial list of names is: VH Audio, Shunyata, Synergistic Research, Electraglide, Acoustic Zen, Elrod, Virtual Dynamics,Dream State, and a few others I can't recall. Some of these cords made a good impression and some didn't work out so well. The reasons were possibly poor synergy, poor design, or who knows. I recently read briefly about this new power cord line from Fusion Audio and was able to get a few of the new production cords that I mentioned for a discount because one of the partners, Kirk, is a long time acquaintance/friend whom I have communicated with for a few years about our systems and recently became a customer when Kirk became a joint dealer for Electraglide. Kirk sent me the cords after I made a security deposit with him with the stipulation that I evaluate them for a few weeks and if they didn't work out in my system I could send them back, paying only the shipping both ways. I thought, "Why not?' I'm game for trying something new. The cords were new with no break in. Normally the manufacturer will pre-break in the cords on a cooker prior to shipping to the customer, but Eric, the actual maker and other partner, had to rush make these up for me to ship off as Kirk had to travel out of town, so I told them to ship asap and I would go through the lengthy period of their break-in( They actually didn't really start sounding wonderful until about the 185 hour mark.) Anyway, to make a long story( review?) short, these power cords are staying in my system. They have lifted my system to celestial heights and I am not exagerating one bit. I had the older version( better than current) of the Electraglide Epiphany X on my TP 2.0n and thought it sounded as good as it could get. The Fusion Audio Impulse is substantially better in all regards to the Epiphany X. Fellow TP 2.0 owners. You haven't lived until you put a Fusion Audio Impulse on your preamp. Take it from a long time power cord nut who has tried 90% of the best stuff out there. The Fusion Audio power cord lines are the culmination of many months of trial and error, fine-tuning through careful listening on premium components in various systems. The standard cords come with the fairly inexpensive Wattgate connectors, reason being that they were the most neutral of anything out there. For those systems that need extra warmth, brightness, etc. for a nominal fee you can choose from a variety of Oyaide, Furutech, and other popular connectors. As for me, I'm happy with the cheap Wattgates because I prefer neutrality and naturalness( read: Alive) in my system. I was going to write a separate review on these power cords, but I can't write worth a damn and it takes too long with my two-fingered typing. It's a miracle that I was able to write this much but I forced myself to because of my extreme enthusiasm for this new power cord line. In conclusion, please believe me that I am writing this information strictly as a satisfied customer. I am not a dealer ( although I wouldn't mind being one) and I'm not a shill. I didn't get these for free( I already said that I got a discount)and I'm not getting any form of payment from Fusion Audio. They didn't ask me to write up anything about their cords. I am writing this from my heart as I am merely a typical audiophile seeking to extract every nuance of beautiful music that I can from my system. This is my love and my hobby.