Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
I owned a VTL 5.5 which I compared to the Audio Horizons TP 2.0nB. The VTL came in a distant second place in that contest. The Audio Horizons preamp excelled in soundstage, dynamics, resolution, ... . As someone inclined toward VTL products (through two preamp models, two power amp models), I was surprised at how much better the AH preamp performed.
i received my 2.1 yesterday and a fine looker it is, silver and wood. my audition 2.1 came with rpnb and siemens tubes. joseph also sent a transparency power cord, and ic. the remote must have upgrades in the future as a phase button along with input selection is on my remote. the phase option with be a fine addition.
i am using my wire for now, but plan on trying the supplied wire from cp.
i am letting the unit play all day for break in and will give it a good listening to in a few days.
i take it that cca tubes will bring better sound for 2.1 from reading all of the posts on this thread.
The tubes are a matter of personal taste in what sounds best in your system. I personally prefer the accuracy, neutrality and great upper extension of the Siemens CCa in my system, but you might prefer another brand for its personality in your system. It's a good idea to let the preamp burn-in for a few days before you seriously evaluate it in your system. Also, if you are introducing a new power cord, allow at least 150 hours for it to break in as well. I look forward to hearing your listening impressions.
Sherod thanks for your reply, your description of what cca does in your system is a must for me. compared to my nuforce p-9 for now the 2.1 is a little short in upper extension but better on the bottom. i am not drawing any conclusions yet just early observations.
do you know what if any upgrades are planed for the extras on the remote.
On initial listening when I first got my TP 2.0n, the highs were rolled off, the mids restricted, and the bass a little loose and light sounding. You'll gradually hear better and better improvements over the next few days. I have had mine for about a year and a half now, so I can't recall when everything clicked in on the sound, but after 72 hours, you should be about 85-90% there, and that is leaving the unit on 24/7. When you do eventually turn it off to conserve on tube life and electricity, the unit will sound nice upon initial turn-on, but will sound its best after roughly 45 minutes once the circuits settle in. YMMV.