Audio Logic 24MXL compared to Audio Logic 34MXL

I currently own the 24MXL and would like comments from people who are familiar with this DAC and have heard the new 34MXL. I had intended to wait a year or two and save money for the APL NWO 2.5 (single box player) which is really expensive. The rest of my system is CEC TL2 transport, CAT Ult MK2 preamp,
CAT JL2 amp, Avalon Osiris speakers all wired with top of the line Stealth. I know that the digital front end while not bad is the weakest link in this system and the next target for an upgrade.


Showing 4 responses by rcprince

I answered part of your question on the other Audio Logic thread; you should call Jerry, he will tell you the differences and will tell it to you straight too. My recollection from when I switched the chips in my Audio Logic Model 34 to the 24 bit chips used in the 2400 was I gained a little bit of resolution and lost a smaller bit of musicality; that may be the difference between the two units now, though I didn't have the transformer-coupled output stage in my DAC at the time so this observation may not be relevant. By the way, I would not consider your digital front end to be a weak link by any means; in fact, I really don't see one in your system. Just my biased view, of course. :^)
I put the number in that thread. 203-222-2274. Let us know what he tells you.
I'm still comparing the 2400 (upgraded Mosel 34 with the transformer coupling and 24-bit chips) to the EMM Labs DCC2 SE. Can't say anything definitive yet, as the EMM is hooked up to its matching transport and the Audio Logic to my Forsell, but right now there's a definite similarity in terms of smoothness and naturalness of presentation and just plain listening enjoyment. The EMM has more deep bass extension and definition, more transparency, has more pronounced macro-dynamics (about the same in small shifts, though) and overall probably digs out a bit more information. Another, perhaps most noticeable, difference is in tonal balance, the Audio Logic being tilted towards the lower mids/upper bass, having a slightly "darker", "wetter" sound, while the EMM has a slightly lighter overall tonal balance. Not sure if it's the Forsell or the DAC that is the source of the differnces, though; that's the next test. The Forsell has an ability to mimic analog that all other transports I've heard can't quite match, and that may be a source of some of the differences. I'll try to report on that when I listen, but in truth, I like the EMM so much on SACD I rarely listen to CD on it. Right now, comparing apples to oranges, my feeling is that the Forsell/Audio Logic combination sounds closer to vinyl playback than normal digital, while the EMM Labs, especially on well-recorded, DSD SACDs, sounds closer to a master tape (and having heard 24 bit 88khx masters on my system last week, I am pretty certain about this comparison) than normal digital playback. I have not yet sold the Forsell/AL, because I really do like its sound on CD; I'm still using both of the digital setups, and enjoying them both. That should tell you a bit about how good the Audio Logic is.
Yes, I did buy the EMM Labs combo--on SACD it is truly stunning. I'll let you know when I switch the digital transports. Right now I still enjoy both of them too much to do any experimenting.