What do you y’all think? I have 30k into my system and I recently attended AXPONA 2018. I compared what I heard to what I have. I felt my system compared to the 80 to 100k systems quite well. Matching is important. Also your reference point. Any thoughts yall?  
Expensive is not always better. Now these are retail prices not what I paid. 14k speaker.  4k subwoofer. 9k integrated. 6k Dac. 2k server. 3k cdplayer 8k in cables and power cords and power conditioners. Now I didn’t pay retail I bought a lot used and traded some things. But my journey is done.  If I take out one thing in my system I have learned that it can affect the rest so I’m staying pat.  
@calvinj   I used to think that one $3k sub was good enough in my modest sized room. That is until I added a 2nd identical one.  No contest!  The 2nd one added much more separation, coherence and clarity in the LF.   I would never go back to one sub for 2/ch.  Maybe for HT.
I think there can be a direct relationship between price and SQ, although it is neither absolute nor linear. Synergistic factors seem to exist and appear to be more important than the total spent. After reading many, many Agon posts I note that there are some folks who inhabit two opposite ends of the spectrum; the folks who think the people spending big money are crazy and the folks who think spending smaller sums is not truly "hi-fi." I find both of these extremes unreasonable positions. How another person legally spends their money, less or more, in pursuit of their passion does not concern me.       
erik_squires - I've long ago given up on the idea that price is always related to performance. If you are true to your ears and heart, you can spend a lot less than others to be happy.
