Audiogon is infected?

Anyone else getting the Ucarecdn warning?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
I have seen it on 2 different PCs.  Only from Audiogon on Chrome.  Malwarebytes warning.

We became aware of this problem yesterday.

The issue is that some malware was distributed via, the same service we distribute our images over, and therefore Malewarebytes is currently blocking them.

They are aware of this and are actively taking steps to get it fixed.

But in the meantime you should be able to whitelist the UploadCare IP address ( in your Malwarebytes settings.

Here is a link with instructions in case you need it.

Also, It appears there is an "Exclude a website" option. It  possibly would allow for a domain name there. If so, you could enter "" there rather than an IP address. Here is the link.
Ah, thanks for this.  I thought it was only me, though it only warned me when I visited audiogon.

I am having a problem with all of a sudden, my web browser(s) (Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer11 and Opera) won't load any pictures from Audiogon,  but any other web page or auction site I visit, everything loads fine.  This is since Sunday, any help?  All my windows updates are fully up to date.
Me too. No  pretty pictures. I guess I'll have to re-subscribe to the glossies.

If I were trying to sell or buy I'd sure be bitching about it though.

Interesting no one else has complained.
Don't recommend whitelisting any site. Put up with the warnings until they get if fixed.

When, not if, Audiogon or UploadCare do get hacked the site won't be whitelisted.
I tried to do it but I had to download the MBMC file and install it.  Halfway through install it said it needed to download Microsoft Server something or other.  Needless to say, after installing the Microsoft  server software and it failing, Malwarebytes wouldn't continue with the install.   What a PIA!!  Tammy in service told me she expected it fixed by Malwarebytes tomorrow and if it isn't, to notify her.  
I'm seeing this too (warnings from  MB and no images) on Chrome and Firefox, Tried sending email to Audiogon, but email would never go through. After telling system I was not a robot, and clicking send, form would just redraw with a few fields losing data.
open Malwarebytes, go to settings, click on the exclusions tab and add an entry to the list:  and that will allow the pictures to load.