Audiogon "Member Since" Dates errors

Anyone notice their "member since" date is wrong?  The one listed for me is about 5 years newer than the real date.  I went through another thread on here where members were asked when they joined.  Many also seemed to be in the same condition.  It matters to me because I noticed all my feedback from before 2005 or so is gone.  Audiogon staff - has this been addressed by anyone yet?




Showing 2 responses by reubent

I think the dates got reset during a software/server update many years ago. I joined in 2000, have posts dated in 2000 and have feedback from March, 2001, but my profile says "Member Since December 31, 2010".
AudiogoN admin fixed mine today. Thanks AudiogoN! Now, I can finally get a good nights sleep ;~)