Audiogon speaker wire gurus, please help me

I need help form the audiogon experts. I want to upgrade my audioquest gibraltar speaker wire. Current components are dali ms4 speakers, cary 500mb monoblocks, first sound preamp, richard gray power, and acoustic zen reference + transparent audio interconnects. The room is excellent sonically (designed by Rives) and does not add any sonic signature. I'm looking for some warmth, a large 3-dimentional sound stage, and air between instruments. My budget is 2-3K for 10 ft of speaker wire (bi-wire). Can anyone help me out with suggestions? I will confess to having no knowledge of speaker wires or cables, and unfortunately have just been taking suggestions until now from people who have an interest in selling me something. Am looking for unbiased opinions. Thanks guys!
Mapleshade's double golden helix w/jumpers would be a great place to start, totaling under $300 direct from I would urge you to try them as they deliver exactly what you are looking for and the price simply cannot be beat. They even come with a thirty day return policy.

I run them in my system after owning big dollar cables from Synergistic and Audioquest. The MapleShade cables truly deliver everything you are looking for.
OK, an unbiased opinion from someone who doesn't sell anything.

IMHO IC's and speaker wire should be neutral and allow the electronic's signal to pass undistorted. A question for you to answer to yourself. How do you 'know' the cables in your system are responsible for your systems shortcomings?

You are asking for warmth - which suggests to me that your present system is too cool for you and that you want to bend some part of the frequency response which (for you) embodies the warmth spectrum. IMHO if your cable adds sense of warmth it does so at the expense of other frequencies, like the upper mids and highs which will seem to be rolled.

You want cable which will provide for the impression of expansion of soundstage and air between the instruments. Often when this is achieved it is done by emphasizing the upper mids and highs and concurrently reduces the sense of warmth inherrent in your electronics.

You've got a bunch of individually good components. But, if you find the sound wanting seriously in the areas you outline, I'd be looking at component synergy, not wire. Now if you are talking about typically nominal acoustic differences I'd be trying to find the most neutral cables available and I wouldn't buy anything until I heard it in my system.

I think Alpha Core MI2 Veracity is the undisputed champ of econo wire and has been for years IMHO
Without mentioning any brands I would have to caution you about spending that kind of money on speaker cable. I think the money can be better spent either elsewhere in your system or by dropping $500 on some really good wire and giving the rest to charity. I don't really see the point of dropping that kind of dough on wire.