Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?


I'm looking for a budget single-ended intergrated amp. The Soro, at about $1300 used, is as high as I'd want to go. Should I consider the alternatives, like Radii or Dared, or is Audio Note heads and shoulders above those?

I have really enjoyed my ASL FOX Ki22. They seem to be going for about $800 to $900 on the used market. I recently put in some Sylvania 6sn7wgt in the preamp section, and the performance is really satisfying. I haven't heard the SORO, but I would also consider it, especially if you like one-box solutions (line and phono stage).
The Soro is a great piece for the money and has plenty of power when compared to most SET amps. I would take the Audio Note over the ASL any day. I owned a P2SE amplfier (what is in the Soro) for about ten years; wonderful amp that is going to be replaced by a much more expensive custom built 300b single ended amp.
The Soro is really damn good with superb phono section and it sounds like 80 watts to boot.

My friend and I have talked more than once how good it is for the money.

A no brainer IMO
I have to agree with my friend Phil, pairing the Soro with the right speakers you can easily ask yourself, "why pay more?". I am looking forward to hearing it again.
Any basic thoughts as to how something like the Soro might sound with Silverline monitors?
