Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?


I'm looking for a budget single-ended intergrated amp. The Soro, at about $1300 used, is as high as I'd want to go. Should I consider the alternatives, like Radii or Dared, or is Audio Note heads and shoulders above those?

The Soro is really damn good with superb phono section and it sounds like 80 watts to boot.

My friend and I have talked more than once how good it is for the money.

A no brainer IMO
I have to agree with my friend Phil, pairing the Soro with the right speakers you can easily ask yourself, "why pay more?". I am looking forward to hearing it again.
Any basic thoughts as to how something like the Soro might sound with Silverline monitors?

I agree with Phil & Carl too. I also have the Soro SE Phono, and a pair of ASL Wave 8's. I like the Wave's a lot. I like the Soro a lot more. I know the Wave's are not the same as the Fox, but the only ASL amps I've heard that I like better than the AN are the Hurricane's, and even then, not by much. For $1300, you'll be kicking yourself in the ass if you don't do it.