Audioques Power cable Dragon vs Hurricane what difference in low frequencies

      Hello. I watched talks about Audioquest power cables; I understand that between Dragon and Hurrican would be a difference, but that difference was not very detailed ...! I'm not referring to the price difference. I would like to buy an Audioquest power cable for my Hegel H 300 amplifier and would like to know which of the two cables offers deeper sound and stronger bass sound?
      Has the Dragon Power Cable (which is a combination of copper and silver) a bass and lower frequent sound better than Hurricane that is only copper?  Has anyone tested the two cables and can give a correct answer because I'm interested in this feature?
     Thank you

Showing 2 responses by gdnrbob

Not what you are asking, but I have to say that your request is pretty difficult to answer, as each system will give different results.
That being said, in my limited experience using AQ products, I have found every jump to the next level offers higher resolution in sound reproduction. Whether that confers higher bass or lower sound frequencies is debatable.
You might want to either call AQ directly (yes, they do answer phone calls), or PM John Rutan (audioconnection). Both are very qualified, though John has great experience with a wide amount of equipment and can probably provide more specific information with regard to your Hegel amp.