Audioquest Perfect Surface Metals

I can not find anything on the web that shows pictures (presumably under a microscope) that demonstrate the qualities/properties of AQ's much heralded PSC/PSC+/PSS metals.  It's hard to believe there are none.  Wouldn't AQ themselves put these up?  You can find the "single grain copper", OFC, etc. pictures, which have been around for a long time.  Before AQ went from "functionally perfect copper" to "long grain coper" (still available on their cheaper cables), they had a lot of back up for these metals (their website still does).  Then out came the three I mentioned above, and unless I am missing something it seems like we are supposed to take it on faith that these metals exist and are somehow different.  I also find it hard to believe that no one with a microscope has cut open some of these cables and posted something to the web.  I just must be missing it.  Is anyone aware of pictures or some other evidence that records the properties of these metals?  I notice that Cardas' website says they polish their copper after each annealing stage, and that good copper is so hard to find they had to make their own.  So where is AQ getting theirs from?   When one of their cables nearly doubles in price because it changes from LGC to PSC I would think there would be more support/evidence for this supposed improvement.  I own several AQ cables by the way.
I think you're going to have to call Audioquest.  Put up a link if  you find any.
A lot of manufacturers are being shy on the 'in depth'. I think it is to not help copycats.
AudioQuest cables are all made in China. I am certain the metal they use is refined in China also
The actual cost to make something is a small percentage of the final cost. So that extra step may cost them less than a penny a foot, but they have a right to make a profit.

Also other companies have similar special wire claims. Kimber has 'Micro pearl'. and it too is a lot more expensive.
Agreed, they are absolutely allowed to make a profit.  I am not questioning how much it may cost them to make these different metals or their cable pricing schemes.  Or even whether it makes a difference in sound quality.  My point is since they do charge more for various materials I would have thought there would have been some objective evidence already out there on what makes the metals different from each other. 

Tom, good suggestion.  I sent the following to AQ:


 I own several models of your cables and am considering upgrading. Can you explain (or provide pictures for #2):

1) Is PSC long grain copper that has an improved surface, or does PSC start out as a different based copper?
2) How is LGC different from PSC and PSC different than PSC+ ?
3) Is PSC made differently than your base copper (LGC) - are there additional stages in the process?

Thank you

I wish someone with a lot of experience would discuss the difference between wearing a tin hat vs one made of aluminum?
I mean aluminum is just so much easier to acquire...
Is tin really better?
I bet Geoff would know!

Also is wearing a Faraday cage like a helmet almost as good?
A nice one for the whole body?
A suit made up of copper window screen...

Aluminum foil is often incorrectly called tin foil. Oft times by pseudo skeptics as fate would have it. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Lizzie is right, I should know. I sat next to Henry J. Kaiser III in school, I should know. I also make those Flying copper thingamabobs for Windows, kind of quasi Faraday thingamajiggers, as it turns out. Everything is connected! 😛

I received a prompt reply from AQ yesterday from a person in the Netherlands, no pictures though as Joey suggested.  I thought this was interesting though.   They also directed me to a white paper ("do no harm") on their website which says some of the same things.  Here are some excerpts from an otherwise kindly and professional reply:

"All copper we use is Long grain copper. For PSC (Perfect Surface Copper) we polish the surface of the cable. For PSC+ we are using a higher grade copper.  The benefit of PSC or PSC+ is a better conductivity especially for high frequencies. 

When it comes to choosing cables, there's no one "right" cable - it's a case of going with the best cable you can. This is because cables cannot improve the signal they carry, they can only make improvements by introducing less distortion into the system and doing less harm to the signal. The less distortion, the better. The best cable therefore is the one that introduces the least distortion and affects the signal as little as possible. And this is true for all cables. And the further up the line you go, the better it gets."

Before you spend more crazy money on interconnects with fantasy ingredients try the following - I promise, it will blow you away!

- 16 gauge round dead soft pure silver wire from Use only ONE conductor per pole!
- Insulate with untreated cotton sleeve (ebay)
- Pure silver plugs from WBT or KLE
- 10 % silver solder
You can slightly twist the wires and use techflex as outer skin. 

Due to the thick wire it will take a few hours to break in - but you will be shocked from the very first moment. I promise! 

Once you have experienced the naturalness, explosive dynamics, abundant harmonics, tone colors and ocean of so much more information (if your system is capable of providing all of this) - you will ... start building more of these cables and walk around with a permanent smile that no plastic surgeon will ever be able to remove.