Augusta, GA

Are there any audiophiles in Augusta, GA?

There hasn't been a high-end dealer here for several years, but there's a pretty darn good used vinyl shop.

I'd like to hear from any serious audio enthusiasts in this area for possible conversations sharing knowledge and experiences in high-end audio.

My system includes Audio Research, VPI, Clearaudio, Lamm and Nola gear. Not stuff in the upper price ranges of those companies, but a really great sounding system.

My main focus these days is vinyl. I recently acquired an V8 record cleaner, and I'm really enjoying the improvement in the sound of my records.

Want to compare notes, gear, music interests?

Steve Gray
Ag insider logo xs@2xstvgray

Happy to discuss any music/audio subjects to the best of my ability.

If anyone is interested.
I live in harlem, i"m just a guy that loves the vintage two channel stuff.
I have some macs ss, ken woods, Altec's,  Klipschs, and odds and ends.
I like the altec sound with the horns.
There are a few folks in Augusta.  I try to meet folks when I can.  I'd be happy to speak with you.
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