AV expenditures break into mainstream media and current events

"Manafort’s Spending Fails to Impress in Wealthy Enclaves"

"...Other expenditures seemed in line with what people pay in the area. Perry Guillot, a prominent landscape architect in Southampton, said he was not surprised to hear that the complaint described the Manaforts’ $112,000 in audio and video installation costs.

“That doesn’t get you a home theater with lean-back leather seats, a great projector and a popcorn machine,” Mr. Guillot said. “If we’re trying to put him up with the hedge fund guys, those numbers don’t match that story...”"

No, but it might buy you a decent amp or two...


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Showing 1 response by thomasvetter

It takes a lot of money to install audio and video equipment. And this is not a secret. I worked as a concert organizer in Vegas and I know how much money goes to this. You can see examples of organized events here https://best-vegas.com/broadway-shows/ . Thanks for the post.