Avalon Eidolon matching speaker cables and IC

What cables are used and perform well on Avalon Eidolon speakers?

I have a pair of Eidolon and will buy new speaker cables, i have an Class D amp based on Hypex Ncore NC400. And now i will add new cables both speaker and XLR IC´s.

Somewhere i did read Avalon uses Cardas, what models usually?

I been looking for Cardas, Audioquest and Nordost but other could be interesting to. I have no dealer nearby som i can´t test any before buy.

Showing 1 response by rzado


I owned a pair of Eidolons for over 8 years, and found they rewarded you for using high performance cables (fabulous speakers, by the way). The best pairing I found - hands down - was Siltech The Emperor. However, I understand that may be a bit on the expensive side. I also had success with Purist Dominus and Kubala Emotion. At a more bargain price, I would recommend Wywires.

I would not use them with Cardas cables; for example, I tried Golden Reference and was very disappointed with the plummy bass and softened dynamics. In fact, I would not recommend them with any of the cable brands you listed (unless you would spring for Nordost Odin).

Finally, regarding demos, there is always the Cable Company (http://www.thecableco.com/), who for a reasonable fee will ship out multiple cables for you to demo.

Best of luck.