Avalon Opus without bass ?

I currently have avalon opus speakers that I really appreciate for their natural sounding. My problem is the bass they create, that puts my room into resonance ...
I plan to change them, but I would like to keep a natural and open sound, an excellent low-medium (as well as medium and highs ....).
I plan to listen to Avalon Eclipse Classic. Would you have any more idea ?

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

Marc, if you listed your room dimentions and type of amplification it would be easier to offer specific advice......as you really need to consider amps/speakers/room as a package.

one thing to consider is that the distance between your woofers and the floor will determine bass loading to a large degree. side wall distance would be next in importance. sometimes if you raise your speakers an inch or two you can disconnect the woofer from the room boundary to a big enough degree to smooth out the mid-bass and lower mids. the boomyness you are hearing is actually doubleing of the mid-bass and lower mids. if you can reduce this "bass hump" you will get deeper bass and clarity up and down the frequency range.

if your spikes don't give you enough travel just cut out pieces of 1" plywood slightly larger than the speaker footprint......first try 1, then 2.......fine tune with the spikes. once you find the correct height you can have something cosmetically acceptable built to work long-term (longer spikes).

bass traps are only marginally effective for controlling bass......they can clean things up once you get close......but speaker placement (especially height) will get you most of the way there.

good luck......let us know what actually works.