B&K 200.5 S2 Power Amp problem - Please help

Hi guys,

I need your help and advice please.

I purchased this power amp on Ebay a few months ago. I just realized the amp is having a problem after I heard my friend's B&K 7250 version II (old model). My power amp, all 5 channels, has had low output. Is that possible that my power amp blows the fuses? If yes, do you know where can I buy them? Since B&K company was taken over by ATI company recently, it's hard to contact them for advice.

I'm really appreciated for all your help & advice.


Showing 1 response by myxmastrmike

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but @bdgregory would you happen to know where to find the fuse you linked above now that Radio Shack is dead?

I've got a 7250 that had one channel (I suspect) blow a rail fuse last night while watching TV. All of the sudden that channel went very quite. I swapped speakers, wires, rcas all to troubleshoot it wasn't any of those. When you turn the preamp nearly all the way up you can quietly hear sound from that channel, so like another post above we know it's not the main or speaker fuses.
I'm going to open it up in a while and check the fuses for that rail, but if blown I still need to know where to find a replacement. 

Thanks for any help!