B&W 800d's or MAGICO V3's?

considering a move from my 800d's to the V3's? is this a side ways move or will it be a big improvement?

Showing 6 responses by koegz

another speaker i am concidering is YG Acustics Anat Reference 2 Studio's. anyone hear or see them in action?
this is what i am wondering. i am looking to say "wow that really sounds great, so this is what i have been missing!". not just to spend $ or change things. i want to be knocked out of my chair and for my wife to finally say "yeh that sounds better, so what". i do not mean an exagerated bottom end but to be real acurate enjoyable fantastic sound!
"THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS VALID FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS FROM THE DATE OF PURCHASE OR TWO YEAR FOR ELECTRONICS INCLUDING AMPLIFIED LOUNDSPEAKERS." i may have read this wrong but even if i did 3yrs is a joke they warrantee cars and refridgerators longer. if the product is what you say stand behind it. that was all i ment. if i pay $25grand i want to know i have no wurries. that is why you buy new from an authorized dealer is it not.
considering just adding duel subs and change the configuration to a more traditional rectanguler set up. then see how it sounds. not sure about subs though i use only to channel for mostly music. do not watch many movies and no longer care about big explosions. any feeling on 2 channel music and subs?
went saw and heard magico V3 and mini2's. i understand the quality of build and the detailed sound. what i don't understand is a 2yr warranty on a $25000.00 to $29000.00 set of speakers. also, honestly the mini or the V3's don't look their price. i found the sound to be a little not there, held back. if this is detailed not for me. leaning toward the new krell Modulari Duo they will be available in august. keep you posted
i also heard the JM lab Grande Utopia BE they knocked me out of my chair. they filled the room with great sound at any volume. one of my daughters was with me her jaw dropped and she said quickley said buy them. she has less trouble spending my money. i did not feel the v3 was ugly just not great looking kind of plain. as for the mini's just my opinion they had better looks with more class but i was not overly impress with the look of the speaker or stands where the 800d's are a great looking speaker. i heard 1 of the rock port's don't remember the name listed for $27000 or so nice looking but the lower end seemed exagerated just not real and not tight and defined like the grande. the grandes are impressive to see and sound as good or better then anything i ever heard. very cool. just my opinion.