Bad case of upgrade fever

I just added some acoustic panels to my listening room and I'm amazed at the difference they make.  I hear more detail, and the bass is so much more defined.  Can't believe I waited this long to do that, and it was pretty inexpensive.  Used panels from Acoustimax.  They look nice, and do a great job.  But now I want more...

My system:
  • Martin Logan Summit X speakers.
  • Gustard X20u DAC that has level 2 mods by Rick Shultz
  • Oppo 103D that I use for CDs and SACDs that also was modded by Rick Shultz
  • Plinius Hautonga integrated amplifier (I upgraded the fuses)
  • Bryston BDP-1 as a music streamer
  • Avanti Audio interconnects
  • Clear Day speaker cables
  • And now, I've added acoustic panels and bass traps

I listen mostly to POP, Jazz, female Jazz, and Blues.  Pretty soft and mellow stuff.  I stream Tidal, and have a nice collection of SACDs.  All my original CDs were moved to Flac files.  

I have around $5000 to spend, and hope to sell what I replace on Audigon.

I'm thinking I should upgrade the Plinius, but not sure to what.  I've been looking at the Primaluna Dialogue HP Integrated, but not sure about tubes.  I've also thought about moving into turntables, but I have no albums and really don't want to get into that quagmire right now.  I know myself, and if I start down that road, my wife will divorce me...

I very much appreciate your help with my next purchase.  What do you think I should replace, and what do you suggest I replace it with.  Most of my equipment was purchased right here on Audiogon and I have never had an issue with anything I purchased, so I have no problem purchasing this upgrade as previously owned.

Thanks so much for your help!

Showing 3 responses by smills59

Just a quick update from my post this morning. I also have a Furnam Elite 20 PFi AC power source that everything Plugs into. I also have Pangea power cords on all components and the speakers.  Sorry, I forgot to add these components to my original post.

My room is 12 feet wide. My speakers are 3 feet from back wall, and 2.5 feet from side walls. The bass traps went into the corners, and the acoustic panels went to the first reflection point on the side walls. The back of my room (behind listening position) is open as it continues beyond my seating about six feet. Since these are electrostatic speakers, no ceiling treatment is needed, and my floor is carpeted.

I do like the sound of the Plinius, but wondering if an upgrade to better amp/preamp or integrated would enhance the sound, or what moving to a tube integrated like the Primaluna would do.

Thank you for the suggestions so far!!!
Thank you again everyone. Curious, no comments about moving to a tube integrated like the Primaluna HP or others. Is that because there is no advantage or appreciable sound difference? 

Thank you everyone!  I'm going to look into the power suggestions, and also start a new post regarding a tube amp for my system.  I've made the decision to change the Plinius to tube, if I can find the right one.  If not, I'll keep the Plinius.  It will be fun to try something new, and tubes will also be a major change.  I think I like the idea of tube rolling--might keep me busy for a few years.
