BaerWald vs VPI setup protractors

Which is more accurate? Recently I decided to check my setup on a Scout using both the VPI gauge and a Baerwald protractor. Using the Baerwald the overhang is dead on in both locations, using the VPI the stylus misses the mark forward by about half a millimeter. Can this small amount of variance have a sonic impact? Has anyone else found this differene and what was your solution? 

Showing 1 response by brf

Vpi tonearm is a clever designed which allows user to adjust the P2S distance very fast. You only need to turn the elbow a few degrees to get the correct distance. (If your tonearm has the adjustable base for vta)
This is no longer the case with most legacy and current production VPI tonearms as the dog leg platform is now fixed and cannot be rotated.  The original JMW10/12 tonearms had a dog leg platform that could be rotated.  This was abandoned for the sake of increased rigidity and resonance control, but I have to admit, it made fine tuning S2P distances a breeze.