BAT vk-p3 phono install

Im considering buying used a vk-p3 phono plug in for my vk-3ix preamp. I called BAT but they want $350 plus shipping. It's suppose to be a plug and play. Has anyone done this themselves or have the instructions? I'd like to do this myself but I'd like to know how hard it is. BAT says they don't ship them to customers anymore because too many messed it up even though its suppose to be fairly easy DIY.

Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

WOW! I wish my income was going up at that rate. A couple of years ago that VK-P3 card was $500. Maybe you could place a wanted ad out there. I'm sure there are BAT preamp or integrated amp users out there who may have the VK-P3 and are not using it (digital only). You may be able to pick one up for $200-$300 and install it yourself.