BAT vk-p3 phono install

Im considering buying used a vk-p3 phono plug in for my vk-3ix preamp. I called BAT but they want $350 plus shipping. It's suppose to be a plug and play. Has anyone done this themselves or have the instructions? I'd like to do this myself but I'd like to know how hard it is. BAT says they don't ship them to customers anymore because too many messed it up even though its suppose to be fairly easy DIY.

Showing 5 responses by last_lemming

Just to be clear they wanted $350 + the price of the card which is $750, so my total was goning to be $1,100 bucks. That seems alot if it is just indeed a plug and play application.
Thanks for looking Swampwalker - any help I can get would be much appreciated.

Mofi - He (Victor) quoted my $1100 bucks + shipping. The VK is $750 so that means install is indeed $350, and as I've said he said he doesn't sell them for DIY anymore. So I wont be buying it new, I will buy it used and do it myself if it seems doable by me, that's why I need the instructions.
Oldears - I don't have any hifi dealers where I leave. So I cant go to them unfortunately.

And if I cant find "directions" on how do it, I cant even go to a local electroic repair store.