Bedini 801 or Audire Forte amps

I have my eye on these vintage pieces and wanted some feedback from others who have either owned or listened to them. I believe the pwr ratings are similiar. My musical tastes are acoustic jazz some r&b and a little classical music. I'm using a gainclone amp from the clone master Tim Rawson at the moment with Mission 750 spkrs and a Aragon 24ksp pre upfront. A Philips 963SA sacd player does the digital duties. Thanks in advance and have a very Merry Christmas.
Gmood1 I agree that a amp should be neutral and let the music flow--thanks. Tafka steve that's useful info as well because I think the seller is without a manual. Keep the info coming.
If you compare any Bedini to your other amps, be sure to take into account that the Bedini inverts absolute polarity. This is because it's output stage uses NPN-only devices in a noncomplementary configuration (Plinius does the same). To compensate, either reverse the hookups on both speaker leads, or use a polarity inversion switch on a preamp or DAC.
Tonyptony I thank you for your vast knowledge of Bedini gear. Most of my IC's are 1 meter in length. With this being my first pair of Missions I don't know what amps out there which would provide the ideal match. My gainclone sounds really nice for the moment. The Audire looks to be a dual mono piece as is my gainclone known as the bpa 300. It even has two pwr switches(Audire). Well I'll look for more input from others and wish you all the best in the coming year.
I have a good friend that owns an Audire amplifier. It's a big brother to the amplifier you're thinking of buying. It seems fairly neutral too me. It doesn't seem to add nor take anything away from the music.Which I guess is what a good amplifier is suppose to do.
Never heard the Bedini.
South, I am very familiar with the Bedini sound, having owned over the years a 25/25, 250/250, and then an 803. Have never heard the Audire. The 80x series of Bedini amps are as musical as all get out, but do have some limitations - one of which is very important. The amp cannot be at the end of a long IC between preamp and amp. In that kind of setup there is a very high likelihood of the input stage of the amp going into oscillation and blowing up. If your IC is going to be more than maybe 12 feet or so I would be concerned. I would also be concerned if you are using even shorter ICs that are known to be highly reactive.

If none of that is an issue then an 801 will give you, in general, a musical, dynamic presentation. The soundtage will be reasonably wide but not as deep as the best amps. The highs will be there as will the lows. If it's a good match for your speakers you should be quite pleased. Having said all that, when I had a chance to try an AVA FetValve in my system I felt it bettered my 803. I am now using a FetValve Ultra.