Best $8000 stereo system- used

I'm a newbee with a budget of about $8000 used. I need help in putting together a stereo system(cd player,intergrated amp or pre/power amp,speakers). I am basically looking for the best bang for the buck. All
advice/opinions would be much appreciated. Thank You.

Showing 1 response by minotauro

Dynaudio Special 25 (3500), Sony SCD-1 (2500) , Pathos Classic One Integrated (1700 used) Nordost Blue Heaven Rev. ll (300). You can find a scd-1 for 2200 and then you can get a Dynaudio Masterstand to go with the speakers. The sound will be accurate and very musical, listening to full orchestra classical music (Bruckner, Mahler, etc) you can get the sound of the different string instruments and the whole orchestra sounds very detailed and an image that floats in front of you. This is my system and it`s just an example of what you could do with that kind of money. Good luck.