Best amp/ IC's to go with my Thiel 2.4SB's

Hello All,
It has been many years since I have joined in on the forums, sadly it was because I sold off all of my Ayre components, but fortunately I kept my Thiel speakers. 
As for the amp question I pretty much know the answer before asking, the Ayre V-5Xe. That is the amp I previously owned. But just like before I am at the crossroads of do I go with an Integrated or a stand-alone two-channel. Before I started with the BAT VK-300x SE, Ayre A7-Xe, and finally the Krell KAV-400xi. The Krell out of the three Integrated s performed the best as I was completely surprised at it's power output and ability to drive the Thiels. Then when finances allowed I purchased the V-5xe and the Ayre K-5Xe pre-amp. I have a shot at another V-5Xe, except this one is Black (originally a $250 up-charge) for $2,750 from the original owner.
My second question is at the time I went with AudioQuest Cheetah XLR IC's they were second from the top at the time. I always like the neutrality of AQ's when it came to their sonic footprint. But after working for 5 years for a local company, which will remain unnamed. I found out what many people don't know and that is that all of AQ's cables are marked-up aprrox. 300% from what an employee would pay. Now to me I just won't pay that kind of money I would rather buy something used at half the price. With that being said since I was last in this game I see the Siltech cables which from what I read are high quality and very neutral. Can anyone give me a fair comparison between AQ and Siltech .
Finally, I am trying to decide if I should go with an Integrated first. The only reason I am even considering this is because I have found a very clean Ayre K-5e pre-amp but to be up to date it would be $1,200 to send it back to Ayre to have it brought up to the present K-5 xeMP pre-amp that sells new for $5k. I am looking a a 5 month old Music Fidelity M5si, they are asking $1,500 but is accepting offers, I figure $1,250. It being rated at 150 W @ 8 Ohms and only puts out 265 W per channel @ 4 Ohms.
Sorry for the long thread but I greatly appreciate your input.

Showing 3 responses by beetlemania

I have found a very clean Ayre K-5e pre-amp but to be up to date it would be $1,200 to send it back to Ayre to have it brought up to the present K-5 xeMP pre-amp that sells new for $5k.
I have done 3 Ayre upgrades (AX-7 to "e", CX-7 to "e", and QB-9 to "DSD") and experienced worthwhile improvements for each. Recommended if your budget allows. (BTW, I'm using an AX-5 Twenty on my CS2.4 SEs).

You should visit the "Thiel owners thread" on the Speakers forum. Tom Thiel is going to help Rob Gillum engineer XO upgrades for some Thiel models and I think the CS2.4 will be one of the first done. I think this will likewise prove a worthwhile upgrade.
Pass and Ayre are both top-shelf. Can’t make a bad decision. I am a fan of the Ayre’s zero-feedback sound and find it a great match with my CS2.4SE. Others say Thiel’s sound better with more power. What did you find lacking when you previously had Ayre?

Thiel is now pretty much out of business?
Yes, but fear not:
Thiel service will continue as ever!

Again, please read "Thiel owners thread:
I assume you mean "SE"? Never heard of the CS2.4 SB.

Most differences are cosmetic: veneer and finish, stainless steel outrigger spikes and driver screws, laser-etched binding post plate. The *only* sonic upgrade was Clarity SA caps on the coax feed. That’s it. You can read about it at Ultra Audio and EnjoyTheMusic.

IOW, the drivers are identical. There is nothing to upgrade there. Rob Gillum can repair them if need be, and he has the Clarity SAs if you want to upgrade from the stock Solens. But I would wait to see what Tom Thiel comes up with. I think he’ll have an upgrade path that will handily surpass the two Clarity SAs.