Best Audio Related Story (or joke).

With all the stress and pressure going around at Audiogon these days, (posting issues, complaints and legal issues), seems like this would be a good opportunity to inject some light hearted audio related comments, stories or just plain old jokes. Please share yours!
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Showing 1 response by sean

Jayctoy: You and your buddy are the kind of guys i'd like to kill : )

I have a few customers that are easily rattled. Their buddies / co-workers know this and screw with them all the time. One of these customers used to come into my shop 2 - 3 times a week to have his equipment checked out because all of these "pranksters" kept telling him it wasn't working correctly. As it turns out, yes, you guessed it, it always worked just as it should and his buddies were pulling his leg. After about two to three months of this, ( and about 30 - 40 visits to my shop ), he finally caught on to what they were doing. Needless to say, i wanted to kill those other guys as i was the one that had to deal with this guy and all of his anxieties. I bet from their perspectives though, it was all quite funny : ) Sean

PS... is this "jingle cats" disc still available ?