Best Audio Related Story (or joke).

With all the stress and pressure going around at Audiogon these days, (posting issues, complaints and legal issues), seems like this would be a good opportunity to inject some light hearted audio related comments, stories or just plain old jokes. Please share yours!
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Showing 2 responses by zstokes

So I'll tell a's not audio related, but rather computer system related.

I am a systems engineer for the Walt Disney Company. 4 years ago when I was new and green, I went into the Data Center to replace a system board on a Sun server. Well, I had popped the failed board out, and a group of senior guys were watching me. It seems I was providing much entertainment to these fellas, as I must have had a 'scared $h**less' look on my face. Anyway, just as I sat the new board into the server, all the lights went out in the computer room. Just at that exact moment, Cal Edison had drilled through a core line down the street and we were without power for the whole day. I am now affectionitly known as 'Crash'

oops. That's something you never like to hear anyone say when they are in the Data Center. Bad, bad mojo.

One thing that gave me a Manager's name is Jeff. We call him 'Uncle Jeff'


Happy Holidays!