Best Cable Match for LFD LE III and Proac D Two

I'm looking for the best cables to use for my LFD LE III integrated and Proac D Two's. Price limit would be $500 and below for a pair of (bi-wired) 8 footers.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated...
for $500 below, the Analysis Plus Oval 12s are hard to beat.
I understand LFD makes a bi-wire version of their speaker cables, those are also nice from what i gather.
Going to give the Grover Huffman cables a shot replacing my AP Clear Ovals. Mainly, because of his patented design and the copper/silver/aluminum fabrication. Not to mention a reasonable price ($384/8ft pair w/silver-plated beryllium copper banana plug termination) AND a 60 day trial period - really cant go wrong there.

Ttorigin - thanks for the redirect to JPS. Looking at the Superconductor + Petite (8ft/$699 + opt WBT locking bananas). Added them to the short list...
@Jabas: what cables have you auditioned them against and found they bested with the LFD? I currently have Analysis Plus Clear Oval's.

I pinged Austin Hi Fi for more info. Thanks for the tip...
Well I'm looking at "getting a deal" on a 12 foot pair of Kimber KS-3033's I'm sure it's gonna blow my budget out of the water but I'm waiting on the quote.
Best cables ever: Crimson Music Link. Solid-core, British made, and hard to find. Should be right at your price point too. I've heard them on the LFD even, driving Harbeths. Bettered everything else, as they say. I use them in a Luxman/Harbeth combo, this after much trial and (idiot-expensive) error with lots of wire. Not many people know about 'em.
Davidmichaelaudio in Michigan and Austin hi fi in TExas are probably the only places stateside ...
I have LFD Spiroflex wires, some Mapleshade Helix's, some 10G Blue Jeans Cables, and a few others. They all sound more or less the same to me. I hear others go on and on about nuances in cables. Just a matter of time before some knob quips: "..then your system must not be revealing enough." Anyone want to buy some cheap Everglades home sites?
LFD makes their own speaker cable. I would imagine it would be a perfect match for use with your integrated.