Best CD/SACD Players under $3K

Hi, I posted a thread a while back asking for advice on CD/SACD players and got many good suggestions - Marantz SA 8004, Oppo BDP-95, Rega RP1, Denon 3910 and music server/dac.

I think I'll stay with either CD or SACD player with/without separate DA converter. Currently, I'm using a modest Philips CD player with a pair of Harbeth C7ES3 speakers.

What would you recommend for under $3K -new or used? In this price range, does it make sense to go for separate transport and DA converter?

I have about 100 CDs and no SACDs for now. In the future, I intend to get into the vinyl.

Lastly, I noticed some CD/SACD players are made in the far east (i.e Marantz SA 8004). Not sure about Oppo BDP-95? I prefer something made in the North America, Europe, or Japan if possible.

Here's a third on the Esoteric SA-50. A super "one box" solution to oh so many needs.
Thanks for the comments so far.

I saw a picture of the backplate of Marantz SA 8004 and it shows Made in Japan. Where it's made doesn't make a sonic difference but it indicates a certain level of quality control and craftmanship. Nowadays, all iPhones are Make in China and they're excellent in quality.
I believe the 'sleeper of all time' is the EAD Ultradisk 2000 Reference CD Player. I tried this one because of previous reviews and the fact that it aesthetically matches my Roland gear perfectly. I had a cd player that was rated A+ by Stereophile (for comparison) and the EAD unit was superior in every way. This was especially true if a person values a more traditional 'tube sound'. When these units come up on the used market, they typically go for under $1,000.
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Used Esoteric SA-10 or SA-50(has dig.inputs)
After auditioning many new and used sub 3k SACD players a little over a year ago, the SA-10 was sonically in a different league.
Sony 5400ES or Oppo BDP-95. I have the Sony and do not yearn for anything better. $1000 new when you can find one