Best comment yet on my system - Ayre QB-9 DSD

I recently added a QB-9 DSD to replace my Micromega MyDAC and got quite an interesting comment from my girlfriend last night.  

We spend a lot of time in front of my system, so she has grown to appreciate what high quality audio has to offer.  Last night however I asked her if anything sounded different to her since adding the DAC.  She laughed and said that she's not a techie but it sounded like I didn't turn on the right or left speaker, which is funny since it's a 2-channel system.

I think she put her finger on what the Ayre has done to my system.  The soundstage has become more seamless, more dense and focused.  My speakers have truly disappeared.  

Overall I could not be happier with my "new" DAC, but thought it was a cool comment that you all may get a kick out of.

Showing 1 response by toddcowles

I recently just bought one too.  Out of curiosity, how much did you pick yours up for?