Best customer service? Mondial designs!

Most of the time if we're gonna write something, it's mostly to bitch at how we were screwed. Today the sun must be shining,the birds chirping, and the smell of flowers is in the air. Ahem, I'm overdoing it a little, but I'm writing this because I had an awesome experience with Mondial Designs (Aragon & Acurus.) I was curious to hear both positive and negative experiences with manufacturers to see who stands behind their products. I will respond first with my story in the first reply.

Showing 1 response by playitagain

I have been dealing with Steve Donalson
Aragon Technical Support Specialist
Klipsch Audio Technologies

Over some issues on some older Acurus products. What great help, fast response and friendly attitude. Klipsch Audio's purchase of Mondial Designs has NOT lessened the GREAT customer service! It couldn't get any better than this.