Best HDMI Cable for Video

I'm looking for opinions for the "best" HDMI cable. Primary function is video, not audio and it will be a short length 2 meters). I'm looking for the picture to "jump off" the screen. My dvd player (ARCAM DV 29) and set top cable box both have HDMI outputs, as does the TV (Sony 60 inch SXRD). I current use a passive power line conditioner (BPT 3.5). I'm looking for some feedback from people who have bought a few or tried a few cables ( so that a person can compare and contrast). Also it must pass 1080P.

Thanks for the help,

Ag insider logo xs@2xsherpa

Showing 1 response by unclejeff

This is a bit of a new direction in cables. You might not want to spend top dollar just yet. Let's see who comes into the market.