best integrated amp.

I'm thinking about buying a new integrated in the 5k to 7k range. My main speakers are Maggie 1.7s.Any suggestions?

Showing 1 response by snackeyp

Recently I was seeking the same class of integrated as you.  I started with my mind set on the Pass Labs INT-150 thinking that was what I wanted (I have always dreamed of owning Pass Labs gear), but after reading reviews from some about how the amp lacks musicality I did more research and ended up buying a Primare i32.  It has not disappointed.  You can find a multitude of rave reviews about this amp on the Primare website so I won't say more, other than it has earned my highest recommendation.  It has a very nice price as well.  I did not get one with the media module because I wanted to use my own system for digital, but I hear theirs is also quite good.  Hegel also gets great reviews and has high bang for the buck, but I have not auditioned any of their amps so I cannot verify any claims on their stuff.  Good luck!