Best MM?

I want to try a MM with my Herron VTPH-2a. What's the best one? Maestro 2, Zephyr III, AT VM760SLC? Something else?

Showing 2 responses by dgarretson

There’s a nice NOS Stanton 981 HZ MkII on ebay at the moment. At $1K it’s a bit high-- but perhaps reasonable inflation above the $650 that I paid for an ebayed NOS 981 LZS about five years ago. The 981 LZS is quite close to my Lyra Etna, as compared side to side on two SME 3012Rs. That comparison is not entirely fair, as the Lyra has the advantage of an Arche headshell with upgraded silver wires...

I also have a 4PT, but have not gotten around to mounting the Stanton on it.  As mentioned above, for on-the-fly cartridge comparisons(and is there any other kind of comparison that is definitive?) it helps to have multiple arms and removable headshells.

I have a Sonus Blue Gold, acquired NIB in the heyday of Raul's MM/MI thread.  It's the highest compliance cartridge in my collection of vintage MM/MI. Mounted to a TransFi Terminator it was magnificent except for lightness in LF.  I need to try it once more with a Signet XK-50 tonearm.