Best Portable Digital Device

I currently use a Palm Pilot (Tungsten E) to listen to music when traveling on a plane, but it's not very handy to use while exercising. So, I'm thinking about buying an IPOD Nano (4G) - $200. I've got hundreds of CDs but can't imagine loading more than the 1,000 songs that the Nano supposedly stores. Is there a better product out there than the IPOD that's less than $300?
And I'm IT challenged; so, what software program should I use to download the CDs onto my computer to the device? I currently use the standard software that comes with a Dell computer. My headphones are Entymotic Research ER-S4s. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by ehart

I would stick with the IPOD. It's very clean and easy to use. It's single-purpose, but that's OK, cause you already have the Palm for other stuff. You'll use Apple's Itunes software. The interface is really ingenious and fun to use, and the device is amazingly tiny, that's why they are so popular.

I would go for the 8gb Nano. The 2000 songs it supposedly holds is based on the default compression, which sounds pretty bad to my ears. If you select a higher level of compression it holds quite a bit less (maybe a third that number).

This isn't actually my own solution, but it's what I recommend for you.