Best practices when conducting a DAC comparison

Reaching out for general advice on how Agoners have compared DACs in their own systems.....

....and how you have determined the 'better' or the 'preferred' component, based on your comparison.

This will be my first in-depth comparison.

Feel free to mention whatever you believe will help and stuff I may need to look out for / be aware of.

Thank You.
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Showing 2 responses by toddverrone

The thing is, getting to know an audio system takes time. Hearing its strengths and weaknesses is a process that requires time and a multitude of different recordings. Walking up to an unknown system and trying to guess what is what is bound to fail. 

It's funny, when I was into modding my car, these same conversations took place amongst motorheads, with some going by feel and impressions and others demanding dyno numbers..
You are certainly being thorough.. I'm interested to hear what you find. Keep us posted!