best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps

Showing 2 responses by richopp

Everything depends upon your ROOM.  All the pre-amps mentioned here are wonderful in some ways and not so much in others--see the qualifying comments supplied with the recommendations. 

Your ROOM is the main determiner of how your total system sounds to you.  

Have your dealer loan you several with your existing system, should you be happy with it, and you will figure out what is the "best" pre-amp FOR YOU in YOUR ROOM with whatever you have in the rest of the system and with the music you like to listen to.

Kind of like asking, "which tires are the best for my car?" 
Answer: It depends.

The world today is a bit more complicated than it used to be. A person has to be willing to read and study and then experiment to find the "best" of anything.  Naturally, tires are a bit easier to pick than pre-amps, which don't cause you to crash your car. Tires either perform under given conditions on a given car or they don't. Pre-amps, on the other hand, can be measured for performance, but "sound" is subjective. 

Except that the Jeff Rowland sounds horrible in MY ROOM.

Like I wrote earlier, get a bunch of them and try them in YOUR ROOM, which, as everyone knows, is the most important determiner of how anything "sounds."

Why is this so hard to get across??