Best sacd player

Anyone compared the new meitner gear to the modded sony scd-1 and the accuphase and esoteric gear?
I actually heard the VSE mod compared head to head with the EMM Labs DCC2 and CDSD transport.

I really liked the VSE Sony mod. In the review, David Robinson mentions a freind that wanted to buy it. It was me. I thought it was such a great value, I was going to get it for my father who got me involved in this sordid hobby :)

David's review was spot on.

The costs for multi-channel are as follows:

DAC 6 - 10k
Switchman 3 - 7k
CDSD Transport - 7k

The costs for 2 channel are:

DCC 2 - 10k
CDSD - 7k

EMM Labs' converts PCM to twice that of DSD. One bit at 5.6mHz compared with Accuphase that takes an SACD and converts it to PCM. Ed Meitner, being incredibly knowledgable in the analog domain, transferred what worked for him there into the digital domain. Brilliant circuit design and short pathways are just a few of the things that make EMM Labs equipment so special.
Jtinn-thanx for the insightful feedback-you are obviously discerning.What are apl?I have been to ed's factory as I live in Calgary.
What percentage is the modded scd-1 compared to the new emm gear eg is the scd1 80/90% as good from your head to head comparison with the newer emm gear?
Alex Paychev Mods digital, his machine was compared directly to the DCC2/SACD 1000 modded transport, and the owner of the meitner sold his and bought the APL. I talked to the owner and 3 more people present at the time, all felt that Alex's machine sounded better than the meitner. I have personally never heard a better, more accurate redbook player. This one plays all formats, sacd, dvd-a, hdcd, even dvd-video. I love it, but, I would love to compare head on, for myself. If I can find a macine I like more, I will buy it. I have benn thru so many this year, and my search continues. For today, I am very happy.
Nreddy: APL modifies Denon 2900s and such. You might look at the long Esoteric DV-50 thread here for more info and some opinions. Aplhifi has participated in that thread.
