Best sacd player

Anyone compared the new meitner gear to the modded sony scd-1 and the accuphase and esoteric gear?
What percentage is the modded scd-1 compared to the new emm gear eg is the scd1 80/90% as good from your head to head comparison with the newer emm gear?
Alex Paychev Mods digital, his machine was compared directly to the DCC2/SACD 1000 modded transport, and the owner of the meitner sold his and bought the APL. I talked to the owner and 3 more people present at the time, all felt that Alex's machine sounded better than the meitner. I have personally never heard a better, more accurate redbook player. This one plays all formats, sacd, dvd-a, hdcd, even dvd-video. I love it, but, I would love to compare head on, for myself. If I can find a macine I like more, I will buy it. I have benn thru so many this year, and my search continues. For today, I am very happy.
Nreddy: APL modifies Denon 2900s and such. You might look at the long Esoteric DV-50 thread here for more info and some opinions. Aplhifi has participated in that thread.

The EMM gear (& I only have the Phillips transport so far) I have no need for SACDs. All I kept saying to myself when I first had the DCC2/Phillips in my system (w/Kharma 3.2FEs) was "IT'S ALIVE!"
Some layer of artificiality (is that a word?) had disappeared, along with that some subtle irritation that I always heard with digital sources (including SACD) before. This includes the Beatles & Beethoven & everything in between. The paradox is that it is simultaneously more detailed but far less abrasive. It is truly remarkable. I would not hesitate to build an entire system around the EMM gear. I recommend you invest in the EMM gear rather than SACDs.