Best Server - Mac Mini or Laptop Or ?

Suggestions on getting the best sound from the mp3 files I have.

- Existing 5 year old Mac Pro laptop
- New mac mini
- Modified mac mini (Mac2music seems to have disappeared - any suggestions on simple mods to make?)

What differences are there between a 2009 and 2012 mini in terms of sound?

What hard drive, usb to dac cable and dac would you recommend?
Chuck - this mini:

With Snow Leopard on it.

CDC2 - sound differences are: 2011 sounds a bit flat, uninteresting, not vivid, without weight. A bit threadbare. Also 2011 only works decent with short USB cable.

SSD I recommend is:

USB cable: I like the Revelation Audio Labs. Also heard that the Wireworld is good, but have not compred it. If you can find a used Locus Design Polestar or Axis, these are very good. Get at least 1.5m long.

As for DAC, I manufacture one, so this is what I recommend. Gets rid of your preamp without needing to go to digital volume control.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio

Just so I understand.

Mac Mini - late 2009

Add 120 GB SSD (how important is brand - one place I found that has the mac available sells 128GB Apple branded Toshibas, a 160GB Intel)?

Need, external drive for music storage (any recommendations here?)
The Intel SSD will probably work fine.

For external Drive, I recommend a RAID 1 preferably removable, connected by Firewire.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio