Best sounding room at CES 2003

What was the best sounding room at CES 2003?

Showing 1 response by audiofederation

I agree with the Lamm rooms being very nice, as well as the stacked quads, Kondo room (playing CDs - don't know why vinyl sounded worse in this room, at least when we were there) but we thought the best sounding room was setup by one of our own bretheren, jtinn, using mikel's Tenors and a pair of Kharma midi-grands using an Audio Aero Capitole mk II as source. I can only imagine what it would have sounded with the Kharma exquisites and a state-of-the-art analog front end.

There is a system synergy here (between the Tenors and Kharmas) that is very, very special - much better than that of the Tenors with the Talons, Rockport Antares, HE 2002's pipedreams, or last year's CES's Tannoy Churchills and bi-amped Rockport Hyperions. And, needless to say, a synergy that is better than 99% of the amp/speaker combos out there.

BTW, we are not dealers for any of these fine products (except the audio aero), but after hearing this room, we are sure as heck are thinking hard about it...

-Mike (aka justacoder... or justacoder aka mike? - gotto figure this out sometime :-)