Best tube amp $2000-2500?

I am thinking tubes for my next purchase. Probably leaning toward Coincident as my next speaker, and if so, definitely will go with tubes.

What tube amps are good choices at this price range (used on A'gon)? I am looking for something with body, but not overly "tubey". Probably more along the lines of a KT88 tube, not an EL34 (the EL34 amps I have heard in my system from Cary were a little tubbier than I was looking for). I was thinking perhaps ARC VS110, Mcintosh MC275, something from C-J in that price range, Rogue, Quicksilver, VAC. Any specific recommendations? I need around 50 watts, 75 would be plenty.
As a former owner of the Total Eclipse, the best combination to my ears was Antique Sound Labs Hurricanes. Another good match was the Sonic Frontiers Power 2.
I'm not sure what Cary amps you've heard, but I am currently getting a nice full and dynamic sound from some Cary/AES Sixpacs. Not too "tubey" at all, ran with Merlin Mxe's and currently some Von Schweikerts.

Whoever said it's less about the amp, and more about the amp/speaker matching is correct.
Do consider the AES Super Amp MkII. It is made by Cary and it sold with EL34s or KT90s, but 6550s, KT77s, KT88 and a host of other tubes can be used. The manual clearly outlines biasing values for many tubes and no mods are needed to roll tubes.

What makes this amp so versatile is the use of newly designed transformers. Speakers from 2-32 ohms can be used with one set of speaker binding posts. I am currently using this amp with DIY speakers with Seas Excel drivers like Coincident.

It is quite a remarkable sounding amp. It is not as big hipped sounding as other Cary gear. The bass is very tight and controlled while the over all sound is dynamic, rhythmic, and tuneful. It has a lot in common with SS gear, but with a full-bodied presentation. These observations are made with EL34s. I've haven't rolled tubes because it sound just right and combines the SS and tube sound in one fine amp.

An interesting observation I have noticed is that with Herbies tube dampers on the 2 6SN7 driver tubes the sound becomes even more tight and airy. With the dampness off the tubes it has a fuller sound. I am using a full compliment of EH tubes.
Thanks for the recommendations. It sounds like Music Reference stuff may be the way to go, at least to try out.

Another amp I didn't mention: what about the Audio Research VT100 MKII? Seems like a good value at $2000 used.

Forgot to mention that my preamp is TBD, but likely looking at a Modwright 9.0 Signature.
consider some of the older amps, such as cj mv 45, mv 75 or mv 125. you could also consider some of the older cary or audio research amps as well.