Best tubes for sonic frontiers power 2?

What is the best sounding tubes for SF power 2?
6550-Svetlana,Tung-sol,Electro harmonics gold,Sovtek or
Genelex gold lion KT-88. Is KT-88 better than 6550?
I am using Svetlana 6550c right now.
If its sound better but is it reliable?
and What is the best input tubes? I got Sovtek 6992.

Showing 1 response by brettmcee

Hi All,

I have an SF Line 2 on the way. I will be using it with a ModWright Oppo and primarily listen to digital media. I also recently purchased a Conrad-Johnson MF2275, so there's that....

I am looking for a 'dark liquid' sound. Not 'warm' or 'bloomy', certainly no glare or blare. A hint 'woody' would be alright. Tightly radiant and/or illuminating would be good.

So what tubes can you all recommend?

Thanks so much for for all of your shared experience.
