Best used SS 100 - 150wpc for a grand or less?

Any thoughts regarding a 100 to 150wpc solid state that can be had used for $1,000 or less? The amp would drive Vandersteen 2ce Signatures along with an ARC SP9 MKII and Upsampled Njoe Tjoeb 4000. Thanks in advance.
I would bet that a McCormack DNA 1, DNA 1 Deluxe would sound great in your system. Plenty of power for the Vandies. Its a very good SS amp under $1k.
I have a Threshold S/300 stasis driving my 4ohm Thiels.
150 wpc 8ohm 300 wpc 4ohm
This amp is in your price range.
It drives the Thiels with ease.
I would agree with the McCormack suggestions, I have used Vandersteen 2ce's with DNA 0.5 Deluxe amps with great success. Vandersteen's were often paired with McCormack amps at shows too.
Musical Design D-150. Better than NAD, Adcom, Rotel, lower power Classe, etc. High current output able to drive almost any speaker. Infinitely upgradable. You can find them used for less than a grand.