Best version of Velvet Underground & Nico?

At this point there are no less than 5 different remasters of the Velvet Underground & Nico album. Which is best? I'm still listening to the original CD release from the early 90's and figure it's time to upgrade.

Any aficionados care to enlighten me? Does the Deluxe Edition provide stunning new insight? Or for the same amount of money should I just get the Peel Slowly and See box? Or save up slightly more for the MoFi? Go cheap and get the new remaster that all the regular stores sell?

Showing 2 responses by viridian

Audiotomb, actually it did not go for 155K, the buyer of that auction, "...could barely afford car fare.", to quote him. It was reauctioned and brought over 100k less. But still a nice find. I believe it was a yard sale on the street where it was purchased.
After having gone through quite a few different copies, my preference is for the British LP. It sounds very fluid with better dynamics. Good luck in your search.