Best way to ship pair of Platinum Audio Speakers?

I'm about to list 7 Platinum Audio Speakers (3 Pairs, 1 Center speaker) and I'm looking for the safest way to ship them while not being cost prohibitive for myself or the buyer. I'm thinking the more compact speakers (Solos, Session, and center studio) can be shipped easily with double boxing with fedex, but I'm worried about the Quattros. I've read boxing them up and strapping them to a pallet is safest for taller speakers, but if anyone has any suggestions or advice, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by metman

If you can find  big enough double corrugated boxes to ship the Quatros you can try regular ground shipping.  Just try to protect the edges and bottoms with polystyrene and bubble wrap.  what you could do is buy some water noodles (very cheap) and cut them to size or slit them down the middle so they fit over the edges of the speakers.  Are you looking to sell them as a home theater set up or in piece meal?  I just purchased a pair of Platinum Reference one's but they are 43 lbs ea and picked  them up locally which is always preferable but you do sort of limit yourself