Bigger Amp?

I am considering an amp upgrade and would appreciate some (friendly) advice. I am currently using a McCormack DNA-125 to power a pair of Audio Physic Spark III's and although I really like the McCormack, I am looking to add a little more warmth and presence to my system. I have heard some say that a more powerful amp will add more presence, even at low volume. I prefer to stay with SS since I can't afford to buy/maintain a good tube amp. Can any of you big SS amp owners attest to what more power will get me (if anything) at low volume?


Showing 1 response by kirk930

as far as ss amps the amp you have is about as warm as ss gets. conrad johnson owns them now.[ great company] as far as tube mantinence, they are not hard to keep running if well built. if a ss amp wears out its outputs thats not cheap. if a tube amp wears out tubes just pop in some new tubes. most tubes will last a long time though. just buy a good tube amp and never look back. i am sure you can trade that ss in on one, are someone might do some trading with you. i might even take it towards some tubes i have.