Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates

I am slowly moving to separates from my Cronus Magnum integrated amp. So far, I’ve upgraded the Phono stage to a Pass Labs XP-15. I’m now looking for the next upgrade. I will need an amp and a line stage preamp. My budget is @ $3K and I am looking for the biggest bang for the buck. Which upgrade should come next? I would like anything I upgrade to have balanced connections (for linestage both ins and outs.)

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Showing 3 responses by mesch

I now understand. Replacing a $2000 integrated with ~$8500 of separate phonostage, line level pre, and amplifier is another proposition. 
I agree that at a $3000 budget it would be difficult to do better than the Cronus via separates or another integrated. Different sure, but better?
Given you can use your Cronus as an amplifier and it mates well with your current speakers I agree that you should look for a line stage preamp at this point.